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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Your friend drag you to Exo's Fan Signing event and Kris started to likes you. [ Kris ]

" Must you bring me here with you? " You asked your friend. Your friend beg you to come to Exo Fan Signing. She wants Kris and Lay signature. Since she can't have two of it, she asked you to take Kris signature while she takes Lay signature. 

'' Yes. " 

" Huh. It isn't like you're gonna dead if you can't have Kris signature " You murmured.

" Aish. You said you love me right? Then, do this for me. Please " She makes puppy eyes. 

" Oh stop it. If i don't love you, i won't help you. " You pushed your friend face lightly. " But.. Can you.. Show me his picture again? " You asked because you don't know who is Exo. You're to busy with your works to focus on the internet. " I've show you his picture thousands time. " She sound frustrated. " Okay okay. Just this one. " You say. Then it's your turn. He seems like doesn't interested in this fan signing.

" Uhm.. Hello? Can you sign this album? " You placed the album in front of him.

" Ahm. Hey. Can you wait? I can't find my pen. Oh nevermind. I've fo... " He stopped when he looks at you.

He stared at you for a moment. Tao nudging his elbow.

" Hyung, are you okay? " He whisper to Kris.

" Oh yes. "

" Listen. I know she's cute but focused okay. " You hear their conversation and started blushing.

" Shhh. Here. " He signed the album and gave it to you. He didn't look up to hide his smile.

" Kamsa. " You said and go to the corner to wait your friend.

* Whoaaaaahohhhh * Chanyeol and Kai say at the same time when Tao told them about Kris. They didn't realize that you still stand there.

" _____, Has you get Kris signature? " Your friend come and asked you.

" Oh yes. Here. " 

" Thank you very much. And hey, guess what? I've found bubble tea shop that Sehun and Luhan likes! Do you want to go? " She asked excitedly.

" Of course. Plus, my throat is dry. It's really hot today. " You fan yourself with your hand. You look at Kris. He was looking at you. His smile disappeared when your friend took the album from you. He was hurt that the album really didn't belong to you and that you weren't his fan. You smile at him and leave that place.


" What are you guys talking about? From the airport, all of you talking non stop. " Lay asked while yawning. He slept for 10 minutes to relax him self. They just got back from performing at China.

" Kris hyung and his cute crush " Tao say between giggles.

" No i'm not. I don't like her. " Kris snapped back.

" Yes you did "

" Oh oh look. He's blushing. " Luhan poked Kris.

" Stop it. " Kris can't stop him self from smiling.

" Okay okay. Leave the leader alone. " Lay interrupted.

" Gumawo Lay. "

" It's not a big deal. And don't worry. We'll find her later. "

" Hahahaha " All exo m members burst into laughter.


" Out of all the place, you choose this shopping mall to celebrate your birthday? Seriously hyung? " Chen raising his eyebrows.

" Yeah. What's wrong with that? " Kris make innocent face.

" I don't like it. Look at how the girls chased us. " Xiumin whined.

" Come on guys. Kris might find his soul mate here. " Luhan say. All the members laughing. Kris ignore them and started walking. But his feet stop as his eyes catch on you. 

" What is it? " Tao asked.

" Look " Kris pointed at you.

" Oh my god. It's her!! " Xiumin say excitedly and turn into fangirling mode.

" Go talk to her hyung. " Lay pushed Kris.

" Nooo " Kris say.

" This might be your one and only chance. Don't waste your time and go " Tao say putting his hand on Kris shoulder. Kris always listen to Tao's word. He sigh and walk towards you.

You were looking around for a dress. You have promised your friend that you'll attend her birthday party. Then someone put a hand on your shoulder. It was Kris.

" Annyeong.. " He say nervously.

You don't know what to say. Kris was here. In front of you. After you met hi at fan signing, you go home and did some research about him. You know about him more now.

" Oh Hey.. '' 

" Uhm.. You came to.. Uhm... "

" Exo fan signing? " You finish it for him. You can see that he's nervous. How can a star be nervous. He was a big star while you just an ordinary girl.

" Ah yea.. Ahm.. " He clear his throat. "Do.. Do you.. Want to.. Uhm.. "

" Go out with you? " 

" Ah yea.. Yea.. So.. What do you think..? " He stutter.

" Uhm. I free this Friday. " You say calmly.

" Great! " He's clapping. " So, i'll come to your house at 7.00 p.m. " He says excitedly.

'' You might not want to be that loud. Your fans have their ears pressed against the glass door. '' You said while pointed your finger towards the entrance.

He turned around and chuckled.'' Ohh, Okay so I’ll see you this Friday? "

" Yeah. " You replied.

" Can i have your number? So i can.. "

" Contact me? " You cut him. 

" Ah yea.. " His cheek turned red. 

" Haha. Mian mian. You're so cute you know? " You gave him a peck on the cheek. 


Okay. I want to write it long but i've something to do :/ But i hope you like it ^^ 

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