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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Love You. [ Luhan ]

" _____, I think. Luhan is perfect with you " Your mom say to you.

" Uh mom. Stop it. You know that i like him. But.. "

" But what? "

" Oh. Luhan ah! Wait for me! " You shouted at Luhan since he live next door to you. " Mom, i gotta go. Bye! " You ran towards the gate and closed it. Your mom really likes Luhan. His manners is really good. And she really want both of you being together.

" Hey _____. Why are such in hurry? " Luhan asked you.

" No Nothing.. Let's go. " You hold Luhan's arm and run with him as fast as you can.


" _____ " Luhan called your name with a slow voice. Doesn't want the teacher hear your conversation with him.

" Yes? " You answer with a moody tone. You don't even look at him. You don't have a mood today. You and Luhan got into detention class because both of you were late.

" Can i.. Sit beside you? I've something to say. " He asked shyly.

" Yes. Of course. Why not? " You remove your books and let him sit beside you.

Both of you sat in silence. Finally Luhan broke the awkward silence.

" _____ ah, Actually.. I've someone that I like for a long time.. "

You were so hurt broken that time. You like him and when he said that he had crush on someone, you really want to cry but you hold it. Luhan is your best friend and as friend, you must support him and not leave him.

" Oh.. Uhm.. " You couldn't look at him. You look away so he can't see that you're crying. You wipe your tears and face him.

" Do.. Do you love her..? You asked.

" Yeaa. I love her so much. And i didn't want to lose her. I want her to be my one and only one.

" Did you already confess to her? " You asked with a slow voice and fixed your eyes to the ground.

" No.. I didn't even dare to say it.. I don't have a courage.. "

" Why? Before it's too late, you should try to confess Luhan. " You look at him and give a fake smile.
" I can't.. I'm scared that she might reject me and.. She will leave me.. I'm afraid that.. She will broke our friendship.. "

" Luhan ah, don't say like that. You didn't even try once so how can you know that she might do that? "

" But what if she do? "

" Don't worry. Now, follow me. Say like this " I Love You ". You try to comfort him.

" I.. Love... Ahh i can't! I'll never tell my feeling to her.. " He buried his face with his hand.

" Shhhh. " Your teacher hear Luhan's voice and warning you guys from talking. When the teacher's back facing you guys, you immediately take Luhan hand and hold it.

" Luhan, look at me. You can do it. Try again. " I Love You ". You look straight into his eyes.

" I..I.. I Love You.. " He said shyly and smiling while clapping his hands.

" Luhan, don't clap. The teacher have eyes on us. "

" Oh i totally forget that we're in a detention class. "

" Anyway, Go and confess to your girl. I'll help you skip this class. "

" I just did _____, i just did. " He gave you his biggest smile. And the teacher caught both of you talking.

" Ehem ehem. Pay attention. Both of you " Both of you quickly focused on the white board. Then your phone buzzed.
.......... - Luhan

:) - You

So.. I think it is yes? - Luhan

You look at him and smile. Start from that, both of you became the hottest couple in your school.


I hope this thing can happen to me. Tehehe. Anyway, i hope you like it ♥

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