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Saturday, January 18, 2014

1 Man 2 World. Part 1

" _____, Wake up. It's time for school. " Your mom woke you up.

" Uhh.. What time is now? " You still in your bed. You don't want to go to school. It's your fault. You hang out with your friend until 3.00 a.m. " Mom, i don't wanna school today. I'm tired. "

" Yeah right. Here. I've iron your uniform. Go change quickly. It's 7.05 o'clock. "

" WHAT?! 7.05 o.. What the.. " You get up quickly but still sit on your bed.

" What the what huh? " Your mom glare at you. Don't want you to curse or say something bad.

" Uhm i mean.. What the great morning. " You widened your eyes. Big smile on your face. Open your arms like you want to hug someone.

" Oh stop it. Now go change. Dad is waiting. " She giggles.

" Dad? What about the bus? " You still clueless.

" Hah. The bus left you. Daa " She makes face and leave the room.


" I don't want to eat today. " You walk with your friend on the hall.

" Why? Is it because of Kris friends again? "

" Yeah. I wish i can tell Kris that i hate his friends. They always make fun of me. In front of Kris, they'll treat me like a princess. But in the opposite, they treat me like i'm a trash. Besides, if i tell him. He won't trust me. I'm just his girlfriend. If i ask him to choose between me and his friends, he will choose his friends. "

" Just tell him straightly. "

" How? Oh like this? Hey Kris. I want to tell you. I hate your friends. They treat me like i'm a poor person. Being with your friends, is not my style. Like that huh? Oh and after i say that, i make duck face. Sulk like a baby. Come on. That's childish. So childish. " You say and hold your books close to your chest.

'' I've recorded it. Want me send it to him? " She smirk.

" What?! You what?! Hey Give it to me! " You try to snatch her phone but she ran away. You chase her but you bumped into someone and both of you fall on the ground.

" Uh oh i'm sorry. I didn't.. " Your words stop after you look at him.

" Gwenchana. " He picks up his stuff and go away. You don't know what have you see. Is this a dream or not? Are you still in your fantasy world? His perfect lips. His figure. He looks like an Angel that came from the sky. More like.. It send it to you. To be your guardian. To be your friend. Or.. To be part of your life.

" _____! " Kris called you and walk towards you. " What are you doing on the floor? " He asked with a
curious face and squat in front of you.

" Uhm.. Nothing.. I thought you didn't came to school today. "

" I sneak in. I'm brilliant right? " He chuckles.

" Yeah. More brilliant than i. "

" Come on. It's lunch time. " He offer his hand and get up.

" Okay.. "

" Hey _____. Come sit here. " Lay offering a seat beside him.

" Gumawo.. " You sat down. And then someone catch your eyes. It's the guy. The guy that you meet earlier.

" Hey. Have you heard about Kai? " Suri, Kris friends whisper to all of you.

" Kai? The new transfer student? What's up with him? " Kris asked.

" People say that he's weird. He afraid of Silver. Once i show him my silver ring, then you know what he do? He ran away. " Suri make shocked face. You really hate it when she makes face. It doesn't look cute at all.

" And, I never see him got out at night. Especially when the full moon. " Luhan stuffed his mouth with a sandwich after finish what he want to say.

" He ran really fast. He beat Siew Han record. And he good at everything. How can that be possible? " Lay added.

" Oh oh and.. They said.. He's a werewolf.. A UGLY WEREWOLF. " Suri voice get louder to annoy Kai. All of them laugh and look at Kai at the same time. " Hah. My stomach is hurt. He's such a loser. " She wipe his tears of joy.

" No he's not! " You insisted.

" Yes he is. Loser like you. "

" Shut up Suri. " Kris glare at her.

" Okay you know what? I'm done with this. Kris, i hate your friends. And Suri, stfu bit**. You're so pathetic. I feel sorry for you. " You take your phone from the table and walk towards Kai. All of them shocked with your sudden confess.

" Hey.. Do you mind if i sit here? " You asked him.

" Sure.. " He remove his book away so you can have a space to sit.

" I'm _____. " You offer your hand to shake with him and put a big smile on your face.

" I'm Kai. " He shake your hand.

" So.. Where are you living? " You try to start a conversation with him.

" I can't tell you.. "

" Oh.. That's.. Okay..." Both of you sit in silence. Neither one of you want to talk.

" I.. I've to go.. See you later. " He got up and leave you. He seem like rushing. You look at him until he gone from your eyes. " He's so handsome. "

" Who's handsome huh? " Kris suddenly came from behind.

" Oh my god Kris! You scare me. Don't ever do that again. " You clenched your fist close to your heart.

" I'm asking. " He's serious this time. He didn't smile at all. He just stand there and wait for your answer.

" No one. "

" Look. Why are you talk with my friends like that? Don't you have a manner? They are older than you. You should respect them. I want you to apologized to them. " He says that directly in harsh tone. You feel like your heart have been ripped into a thousands piece. Why is Kris acted like that? You're his girlfriend. It's not your fault either. Suri called you a loser and you just snapped back. He truly doesn't love you. If he did love you, he wouldn't do that to you.

" Kris, they.. They treat me like a trash.. " You controlled your eyes from crying.

" Do i care? They more important than you. "

" How could you say that Kris? HOW ! If i'm not important, then why you ask me to be your girlfriend? Why Kris Why?! " You yelled at him. That make the others paying attention to both of you.

" Don't be rude _____. Slow your voice. They're looking at us. "

" No i don't want! YOU are the one being rude Kris. And Yes friend might be more important then girlfriend but. Before this, i'm your FRIEND. I'M! And your friend.. They always look at me like i'm a poor person and they're a rich person. Don't you care a little about it? At least, you should warned them to not treat me like that ever again.All this things. I don't need it! I hate wearing contact lens. Really really hate it. High heels, these are killing me! " You wait for his to replied. But he don't. He just stood there. Hear every single words that you throw to him. He still control his anger.

" I can't believe this Kris. You've change. You're not the same Kris that i love before. You change a lot. " Still control your tears.

" You know what? You're just the same with them! You're... " Before you can continue your words, you stumbled to the ground. And then you realize that Kris just slapped you across your face. You can't controlled your eyes. You cry. He came near you but you quickly run away. You're afraid of him now. You ran to your class and packed your beg. You want to go out from the school. You sneak out with your teary eyes with the help from your best friends. You go to the park. And you see Kai is sitting on the bench under a shady tree. You walk towards him.


Wait for the next part tomorrow :)

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