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Monday, February 10, 2014

Twilight Love. ( Vampire Vs. Wolf ) Part 1.

" I'm sorry henry. I must go. "

" No. Please stay. I can't live without you. " He held your hand trying to stop you from go.

" Let me go Henry. We didn't meant to be together. " You pull his hand off.

" Please. I Love You. "

" But i don't. I love someone else. I'm sorry.. "

" Andddd Cut! Good ! Perfect acting. Now go back to your sit. "

Mr Edy claps his hand and walk toward the stage. You and Kai take Theater class. You hate theater but Kai force you too. So you take the class even you hate it. You and Kai practicing. Not only you guys but the whole class practicing. Mr Edy want to make a theater called ' Don't Leave Me. ' No one get the lead role yet. So now you guys practicing to get the role.

" Okay. Some of you, bad at acting and must improve it a lot. Meanwhile, there are two peoples are fit with this roles. _____, Kai, both of you get the lead role. "

" Me? Why? But... "

" Thank you sir! Ahh i really want this role. " He cut you off and shake Mr Edy hand happily.

" You're welcome. Start from tomorrow, you must be in the hall at 3.00 p.m until 6.00 p.m. Can you? "

" Yes. Yes we can. " He say excitedly.

" What's wrong with this guy. " You whisper to yourself.

" What did you say? " He turned around and face you.

" Ammm nothing! Is the class has come to the end? I got stomach ache. " You make face.

" Ahh yes yes. Okay guys. You may go now. "

You walk fastly toward the door when he announced the class to disperse.

" Hah. I'm barely out from that class for today. " You sigh and walk to the canteen while hold tight your book close to your chest.

" Jagiya ~ ! " Kai jumped in front of you cause you to shocked.

" Kai ! Stop doing things like that! " You hit Kai with you books.

" Ouch! It's hurts you know! "

" Hurt? Now you feel what i feel. Aishhh. Let's go " You hold his arm.

" I'm glad we get the lead role. "

" I'm not. ''

" Why not? It has kissing scene you know. " He stop and hold your waist. Pull you closer to him. He stop only inches from your face.

" Haha stop it Kai. We are in the middle of the canteen. People are watching. " You push him lightly but he hold you tight.

" I don't care. " He kiss you. You can feel that he's smiling and so you too. After 10 seconds he pulled away. You are blushing right now.

" Aigoo aigoo aigoo, is my baby blushing right now? How cute " He pinch your cheeks and smile.

" Stop it... " You mumbled.

" Haha arraso. Let's go. I'll treat you today. " He put his arm around your shoulder.

" Chinjja? Gumawo! You're the best boyfriend ever! " You kiss him on the cheek cause him to blushing.

" Aigoo aigoo aigoo, is my baby blushing right now? How cute " You chuckled.

" Do you want to get a kiss from me again? Huh? "

" Aiii nooo. Go get the food. " You pushed him and laughing.

" Arraso arraso. I'll be back in a few minutes. Wait for me okay. "

You go find a seat for both of you to a having lunch.

" Oh, this place is empty. " You looked around to make sure that place is empty.

" No one seems to come here. This place is empty. Confirm. " You sit down and wait for Kai to buy the food.

" Hey. Guess who am i? " Someone came from the back and cover your eyes with his hand.

" Ahaha, i know this is you Kris. " You smiling and turned around.

You barely have some talk with Kris. It takes you 3 month to familiarize yourself with him. You guys still awkward with each other. Kris still loves you but you not. You're happy with Kai now.

" How do you know? I think i've change my voice a bit. "

" I've a power. " You raised an eyebrow two times.

" Power? What kind power? Trash power? " He tease you.

" Nooooo. " You pouted.

" Haha mian mian. Uhm.. Are you alone..? " He asking.

" No. She's with me. " Kai sudden appearance make you jumped in shock.

" Kai, can you stop appear in a sudden way? "

" Oh.. I guess, i've to leave. " Kris say to you and leave.

" Why is you... "

" How many time i must tell you to stop hanging with him? " He said with a angry face.

" What's wrong? I just talked with him. "

" I don't like it. "

" Well, you must start like it. We're only best friend. Nothing more than that. If he loves me, i won't never loves him back. Because my love is just for you. "

" How can i like it? He's your ex-boyfriend. I afraid if you might leave me for him. "

" I. Only Love You. " You cupped his face with your hands.

" Me too. " He hug you and whispered " Hope we'll never be in rebound relationship. "


" Thanks because send me home. " You take a peck at his cheek.

" It's okay. Oh and, are you free tomorrow? " Kai leaning in front of his car.

" Yeah. Why? "

" I want to take you somewhere. "

" Somewhere? Eodi? "

" Secret. " He smiling and get in his car and drove away.


" Park? You only want to take me to the park? Seriously? Kai? "

" Yeah. What's wrong with that? "

" Nothing. I thought you wanna take me to the restaurant. "

" I won't take you to restaurant. My wallet will be empty then. " He chuckled.

" Ya ! " You pouted.

" Haha mian mian. " He wrapped his arm around you.

" So.. When will we be practicing? " You wait for him to response but he kept looking at you.

" Kai ? " You waved your hand into his face.

" Huh " He shook his head.

" What are you looking at? "

" That guy behind you. Don't turn around. Do it casually okay. '' He instructed.

" But why? "

" He's been looking at you for almost 10 minutes. " He make face.

" Awww. Are you jealous? Ahaha. " You said while laughing.

'' No I am not. " He said putting his arms around you and pulling you closer. He was still looking at that man though. He leaned in and kissed you, to show to the other man that you were his girl friend.

" Kai, i'm sure he isn't looking at me. "

" I just want to show him that he can't stare at other people's girlfriend like this. " He said angrily.

" He is not looking at me. Do you want to clarify it? " You pulled Kai before he can make his word.

" Excuse me. I just want to make sure of something. " You said approaching the ahjushhi. 

" My boyfriend thinks you're hitting on me. " You said while giggling.

'' Hitting on you? '' He asked with a surprised face.

 " I wasn’t hitting on you. I'm just interested in your boy friend. '' He said running his finger on Kai's chest.

Both you and Kai were taken aback.

' What? " Both of you said at the same time. You looked at Kai. He was blushing. He couldn't even look the guy straight in the eyes. You covered your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. This was the funniest thing that had ever happened to you and Kai.

" I am sorry but I am not interested. " Kai said with a serious face and pulled you with him.

You turned around and looked at the guy.

'' I am sorry. He can be a little mean! '' You yelled back.

He gave you a thumbs up.

" _____! " Kai called your name angrily. This mean that you should shut up so you did but inside, you were still laughing.

The two of you walked in silence towards a park. You guys finally settled down on a bench. Luhan still wasn’t talking.

" Kai? What’s wrong? '' You asked placing your hand on his shoulder.

'' Nothing. '' He said shaking his head.

'' Come on, please tell me, '' You insisted.

He turned around and held your hands. 

" Weren’t you jealous when that guy said he liked me? '' Kai asked.

You weren’t but you could see how upset Kai was.

'' I was. '' You replied.

A smile spread across his face.

" Kai, I know you are mine. Nobody can ever take you away from me. '' You said and hugged him.

'' Yes, nobody ever can. '' He whispered and hug you tightly.


Hey. Have you eat? - Kris

Not Yet. Why? - You

I just thinking to have a lunch with you - Kris

I'm free now. - You

Okay so meet me at LifeStyle Cafe. - Kris


" Hey Kris! " You hit his shoulder.

" Oh hey. Come on. Sit here. " He pulled the chair for you.

" Thank you. "

" You're welcome your highness "

" Eyy don't say like that. Haha "

" Do you want to order anything? " A waiter come near where your and Kris table is.

" Ahh yea.. I want Ice Tea and Fried Kimchi. " Kris say and handed you the menu.

" For me.. Uhm.. Just Ice Tea will do. " You smile and gave the menu to the waiter back.

" Ice tea only? Come on. I want to eat lunch with you not having a tea. "

" I'm not hungry. Beside, i love look at you when eating. You look funny. Haha. "

" Ha Ha. So funny. " He imitate you.

You make annoying face. After a while, the waiter bring the food and drinks.

" Thank you. " You and Kris say at the same time.

" So, what are you doing lately? " He asked you.

" I got to act in theater. " You play with your straw drink.

" Act? Wow. Congrates! I want to be your manager when you've been a successful actress. Can i? "

" Successful actress? Are you kidding me? I hate theater and you know that. " You rolled your eyes.

" I know, i just teasing you. "

" Well, stop it. " You giggled.

He continue eating. Both of you sit in silence.

" So.. Do you plan anything? " He asked trying to make some conversation.

" Plan? "

" Yeah. Kai is leaving and you must do a party to him before he leave right? "

" Leaving? What do you mean? "

" You don't know about it? Kai didn't tell you? But everyone knows that he's leaving." He said with a shocked face.

" What is it? Tell me. "

" I think i should not.. "

" Tell me! " You said with a serious tone.

" I don't think i should.. "

" Please. " You begged him this time.

" Uhm..  He.. He will..moving to New York. In about 2 weeks i think. "

" Mo..Moving..? " You stutter.

" I'm sorry but I must go. " You take your bag and get out from the cafe. Leaving Kris alone.

The clouds is getting dark. It will rain anytime soon. And you didn't bring your umbrella with. You can't think straight that time. Kai is gonna leave you and he didn't tell you.

' Why he didn't tell me about that? I'm is his girlfriend. He gonna leave me forever and he didn't even bother  to tell me that? Is he in love with someone? Is he has stop loving me? Is he has someone else? Is he doing like this because he didn't know how to break up with me? '

Your thought were killing you. Suddenly, a car hit you. Your sight became blur. You feel like many people run to you. So many voice of people talking. Your body full with blood. It's hurt. Really really hurt. You close your eyes tightly. Thinking you might die. Only god now what you feel right now. Then someone carry you. You open your eyes slowly. Gather all the strength. Fight with the pain. The image. The arms. The voice. You know who he is. But that time, you don't have any strength left. Your eyes close automatically. You faint in his arms. You unconsciously.

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